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Courses After 12th Except IIT JEE and NEET

Students are always worry which courses are best after 12th. They think there are only two options either they can go for IIT-JEE for engineering or NEET for medical. T There are ample career options available beyond Engineering and medical. You can get better opportunities in other field also.

You just need to explore other career options. In present scenario students are committing suicide after not qualified entrance exams, they thought there are no option left for them. There are diverse courses after 12th are available that you can explore if you are getting failed in IIT-JEE / NEET exams. In this post, you will get idea of different courses after 12th.

courses after 12th

It’s critical to select a courses after 12th based on your interests, aptitude, and long-term job objectives. Consider thoroughly investigating each option and working with professional counselors before making a decision. 

1.Animation and Multimedia Courses

There are a few courses you might think about taking if you want to work in multimedia and animation. Numerous facets of animation, graphic design, and multimedia creation are covered in these courses. Here are a few well-liked choices:

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Animation

This is a comprehensive degree program that covers the fundamentals of animation, including 2D and 3D animation, character design, and storytelling.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Animation and Multimedia

This program typically covers a broad range of multimedia topics, including animation, graphics, web design, and interactive media.

Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Animation

A design-focused program that provides in-depth knowledge of animation techniques, visual storytelling, and creative design.

Diploma in Animation

Many institutes offer diploma courses after 12th in animation that provide practical skills in 2D and 3D animation, special effects, and multimedia production.

Certificate Courses in Multimedia

Short-term certificate courses are also available for those who want to gain specific skills in multimedia, graphic design, or animation.

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Animation

For those looking to pursue advanced studies in animation and multimedia, an MFA program offers a more in-depth exploration of the field.

2.Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma)

A Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the study of pharmaceutical sciences. It is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the science and practice of pharmacy. Here are some key aspects of the B.Pharm program courses after 12th:

Duration: The duration of the B.Pharm program is typically four years, and it is divided into eight semesters.

Curriculum: The curriculum of B.Pharm covers a wide range of subjects related to pharmaceutical sciences. Some of the core subjects include:

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical Formulation and Manufacturing)
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacognosy (Study of medicinal drugs obtained from natural sources)
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Biochemistry
  • Pathophysiology
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology


courses after 12th

Career Opportunities: Graduates with a B.Pharm degree can pursue various career paths, including:

  1. Pharmacist: Working in retail pharmacies, hospitals, or clinics, dispensing medications and providing advice on their use.
  2. Pharmaceutical Industry: Roles in pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality control, research and development, and regulatory affairs.
  3. Clinical Research: Involvement in clinical trials and research studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of drugs.
  4. Sales and Marketing: Sales and marketing positions in pharmaceutical companies to promote and sell pharmaceutical products.
  5. Drug Regulatory Affairs: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and obtaining approvals for new drugs.
  6. Academia and Research: Teaching and conducting research in academic institutions or research organizations.

3.Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)

An undergraduate degree program called the Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM) is intended for people who want to work in the hospitality and hotel industries. A thorough understanding of all facets of hotel administration, such as operations, customer service, food and beverage management, event planning, and more, is provided by the program. Here are some essential BHM program courses after 12th details:

Duration: The BHM program courses after 12th typically spans four years, divided into eight semesters. The duration may vary depending on the institution and the country where the program is offered.

Curriculum: The curriculum of the BHM program covers a broad range of subjects to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for a career in hotel management. This course after 12th  includes various domains :

  1. Hotel Operations Management: Covers the day-to-day functioning of different departments within a hotel, such as front office, housekeeping, and food and beverage.
  2. Food and Beverage Management: Focuses on the management of restaurants, bars, catering services, and culinary operations.
  3. Hospitality Marketing and Sales: Teaches principles of marketing and sales specific to the hospitality industry.
  4. Event Management: Covers the planning and execution of events, conferences, and banquets.
  5. Human Resource Management: Addresses HR-related aspects specific to the hotel and hospitality sector.
  6. Financial Management: Introduces financial principles and management practices relevant to the hospitality industry.
  7. Hotel Law and Ethics: Covers legal and ethical considerations in the hotel and hospitality business.
  8. Customer Service: Emphasizes the importance of delivering excellent customer service in the hospitality sector.

Employment Prospects: BHM graduates can work in a variety of hospitality-related fields, such as hotel management, food and beverage management, event planning, resort management, and more.

4.Bachelor of Design(B.Des)

The study of design in its different forms is the main topic of an undergraduate degree program called the Bachelor of Design (B.Des). A vast number of design disciplines are covered by this adaptable program, such as graphic design, industrial design, fashion design, interior design, communication design, and more.

The objective is to give students a solid foundation in design concepts, imaginative thinking, and useful skills. Key elements of the B.Des curriculum include the following:

Duration: The B.Des program courses after 12th typically spans four years, divided into eight semesters. The duration may vary depending on the institution and the specific design discipline.

Curriculum: The curriculum of the B.Des program varies based on the chosen design discipline. However, common core subjects may include:

  1. Design Fundamentals: Introduction to basic design principles, color theory, and visual communication.
  2. History of Design: Understanding the historical context and evolution of design in various fields.
  3. Drawing and Sketching: Developing drawing and sketching skills for visual representation.
  4. Digital Design: Learning digital tools and software relevant to the chosen design discipline.
  5. Materials and Processes: Understanding materials, manufacturing processes, and construction techniques.
  6. Design Thinking: Applying creative problem-solving approaches to design challenges.
  7. Specialized Design Studios: Disciplinary-specific studios focusing on areas such as graphic design, industrial design, fashion design, etc.
  8. Portfolio Development: Creating a professional portfolio showcasing the student’s design projects and skills.

Career Opportunities: Graduates with a B.Des degree can pursue various career paths depending on their chosen design specialization. Potential career options include graphic designer, industrial designer, fashion designer, interior designer, UX/UI designer, multimedia artist, and more.

Internships and Industry Exposure: Many B.Des programs include internships or industry exposure programs, allowing students to gain practical experience and connect with professionals in their chosen field.

5.Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)

A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is an undergraduate academic degree offered to students who have finished a science-related program. The B.Sc degree is diverse, encompassing a wide range of fields from natural sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and applied sciences.

Specific disciplines and fields of study may differ depending on the institution or college and chosen concentration. Here are some important details about the B.Sc program courses after 12th:

Duration: A B.Sc program normally lasts three to four years, depending on the country and university.

Core studies: Depending on the specialty, B.Sc programs offer a wide range of core studies. Some typical B.Sc specializations are:

  1. B.Sc in Physics: Focuses on the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental principles of the physical world.
  2. B.Sc in Chemistry: Covers the study of chemicals, their properties, composition, and reactions.
  3. B.Sc in Biology: Encompasses the study of living organisms, including genetics, ecology, and physiology.
  4. B.Sc in Mathematics: Concentrates on mathematical theories, concepts, and applications.
  5. B.Sc in Computer Science: Includes the study of algorithms, programming languages, software development, and computer systems.
  6. B.Sc in Environmental Science: Examines the environment, ecological systems, and human impact on the natural world.
  7. B.Sc in Geology: Focuses on the study of the Earth’s structure, composition, and geological processes.
  8. B.Sc in Psychology: Explores the scientific study of human behavior, cognition, and mental processes.
  9. B.Sc in Economics: Covers economic theories, principles, and analysis.
  10. B.Sc in Nursing: Focuses on the study of nursing theories, healthcare, and patient care.

Research Opportunities: Depending on the program, students may have opportunities to engage in research projects and contribute to scientific advancements.

Career Opportunities: Graduates with a B.Sc degree can pursue various career paths, including roles in research, industry, healthcare, education, technology, and more.

6.Bachelor of Administration (BBA)

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is one of the best undergraduate degree courses after 12th aimed to give students a thorough understanding of business and management concepts. It is a comprehensive program that covers a wide range of business topics, such as finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and entrepreneurship. Here are some important characteristics about the BBA program:


courses after 12th

Duration: The typical duration of a BBA program is three to four years, depending on the country and university.

Core Subjects: BBA programs cover a range of core business subjects to give students a well-rounded education in business management. Common subjects include:

  • Management Principles: Introduction to fundamental principles of management.
  • Marketing: Study of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and marketing strategies.
  • Finance: Understanding financial management, accounting principles, and investment strategies.
  • Human Resource Management: Focus on personnel management, employee relations, and organizational behavior.
  • Entrepreneurship: Introduction to the principles of starting and managing a business.
  • Business Communication: Development of effective communication skills in a business context.

Internships and Practical Training: Many BBA programs include internships, practical training, or co-op opportunities that allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world business settings.

Specializations: Some BBA programs offer specializations or concentrations, allowing students to focus on a specific area of business such as finance, marketing, international business, or entrepreneurship.

Career Opportunities: Graduates with a BBA degree can pursue various entry-level positions in business and management, including roles in marketing, finance, human resources, operations, sales, and more.

Entrepreneurship Opportunities: The BBA program equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to start and manage their own business ventures.

When selecting a BBA program courses after 12th, it’s important to consider factors such as the reputation of the institution, accreditation, faculty expertise, internship opportunities, and the program’s alignment with your career goals. BBA programs provide a solid foundation for those looking to enter the business world or pursue advanced studies in business and management.

7.Law (LLB)

A Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is an undergraduate degree program that prepares students for a career in the field of law. The LLB program is the first step in the academic journey for individuals aspiring to become legal professionals, including lawyers, advocates, solicitors, or legal consultants. Here are some key details about the LLB program courses after 12th:

Duration: The LLB program typically spans three to five years, depending on the country and the specific structure of the program. In some countries, like the United Kingdom, LLB programs are typically three years, while in others, such as India, the program may extend to five years.

Curriculum: The LLB curriculum covers a wide range of legal subjects to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, procedures, and systems. Common subjects include:

  1. Constitutional Law: Study of the fundamental laws and principles that govern a country.
  2. Criminal Law: Examination of laws related to crimes, their prosecution, and penalties.
  3. Contract Law: Exploration of the principles governing contractual agreements.
  4. Tort Law: Study of civil wrongs, such as negligence and personal injury, and the legal remedies available.
  5. Family Law: Examination of laws pertaining to marriage, divorce, child custody, and family relationships.
  6. Property Law: Understanding of laws related to real estate and property rights.
  7. Legal Research and Writing: Development of legal research skills and proficiency in legal writing.
  8. International Law: Exploration of laws governing relations between nations.

Career Opportunities: After completing the LLB program and meeting the necessary licensing requirements, graduates can pursue various legal careers, including roles as lawyers, legal advisors, corporate counsel, public prosecutors, or judges.

When choosing an LLB program courses after 12th, important things to examine include the institution’s accreditation, faculty reputation, available resources, and possibilities for practical legal training. Furthermore, students should understand the legal prerequisites for practicing law in their selected area.

8.Bachelor of Journalsim and Mass Communication (BJMC)

A Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC) is an undergraduate degree program that aims to give students a thorough understanding of journalism, mass media, and communications. The curriculum aims to provide students with the skills and information required to operate in many disciplines of the media industry. Here are some important details about the BJMC program:

courses after 12th

Duration: The duration of a BJMC program courses after 12th is typically three to four years, depending on the country and the specific structure of the program.

Core Subjects: BJMC programs cover a range of core subjects to provide students with a well-rounded education in journalism and mass communication. Common subjects include:

  • Media Writing: Development of writing skills for print, digital, and broadcast media.
  • Mass Communication Theory: Exploration of theories and concepts in mass communication.
  • Media Ethics and Laws: Examination of ethical considerations and legal frameworks relevant to media professionals.
  • News Reporting and Editing: Training in gathering news, writing news reports, and editing for various media platforms.
  • Radio and Television Journalism: Understanding the principles and practices of broadcast journalism.
  • Photojournalism: Introduction to the use of photography in journalistic storytelling.
  • Public Relations: Study of principles and practices in public relations and corporate communication.
  • Digital Media and Social Media: Exploration of digital journalism and the use of social media in communication.

Internships: Students are often required to complete internships with media organizations, news agencies, or public relations firms to gain practical experience and build industry connections.

Career Opportunities: Graduates with a BJMC degree can pursue various careers in journalism, media, and communication, including roles such as:

  • Journalist/Reporter
  • News Editor
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Photojournalist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Media Analyst
  • Content Writer
  • Social Media Manager

When choosing a BJMC program courses after 12th, examine the institution’s reputation, faculty competence, industry contacts, and the availability of modern facilities for media production and training. Furthermore, students should look for programs that are relevant to their personal interests and professional aspirations in the dynamic sector of media and public communication.



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