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Last Updated on 3 years by studentliveinfo

The best online learning sites are the lifesaver for the students who want to learn different skills and explore their knowledge. We are living in an era where we can learn anything just in one click. There is no need to go anywhere, you can learn anything while at your own place.

These websites have almost every kind, of course, related to distinct fields or domains as per needs of a person, some of them have really good courses for one domain whereas others have courses which are preferable for other domains which makes them count as best online courses websites.

Many of these websites are from top universities in the world providing courses in the latest and unexplored domains so if you want to dive deep into any such domain then also you can refer to these websites are enlisted below:

  1. Coursera
  2. edX
  3. Udemy
  4. iTunes U
  5. MIT OpenCourseWare
  6. Stanford Online
  7. Codeacademy
  9. NPTEL

best online learning sites

Coursera is one of the best online learning sites providing educational content and courses. Here one can easily find the courses in different domains. Let it be a professional course or educational course or it can be a course of a subject in a technical field or maybe from a non-technical field, you can find all of these on this one platform which makes this stand at the top position of the list of best online courses websites.

This is software that provides a huge variety among courses and offers different levels of proficiency in each course. It is very popular among students and course providers as there you can find a large number of courses offering the courses having different levels of skillset, features, time duration and fees.

Choosing a good course can be a little bit tough as here you have to choose the best for you from the list of all bests. There are many courses which one can access for free also a bit for that one has to do a little bit of research, that’s the reason why it is among best online learning sites.

There are many courses on courses which can make you an industry-ready person in that particular field but for them, you have to pay a good amount of money.

  • Website Name: Coursera
  • Types of Courses:  Professional,   Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for courses: 40 $
  • Proficiency level offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification


edX is among the best online learning sites for online courses which provides courses in multiple domains but it is primarily famous for skill-based courses in which you can find out courses related to a particular skill and then you can enhance that skill and also an application for jobs related to that particular skill from this website which is a really good feature and makes it one of the best online learning sites.

Here you can find multiple free and paid courses in which you can enroll and while I am talking about the free courses then it does not mean that these courses are not good as many of them are really good and can really help to not just get better but also find a relevant opportunity thus regarded as best online learning sites.

On this website, you can find almost 75,000 free certification courses in which you can enroll and make yourself better at your skillset. Here you can find out the courses related to the technologies which are very recent and are going to create a new domain such as azure, Blockchain, Django, and many more. Here you can also find courses from renowned institutes like MIT, Harvard, and among the best online learning sites for students.

  • Website Name: Coursera
  • Types of Courses:  Professional,   Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for courses: 50 $
  • Proficiency level offered: Degree, Diploma, Certificationbest online learning sites


Udemy is one of the most famous and best online learning sites as it has over 40 million users all over the world which is really a very big number.

This website is famous among people and loved by people all over the world as this website has many different courses from many different domains which are present on different languages on this website which makes this a preferred choice among all best online courses website.

Here you need to get registered first as only after registering yourself you will be able to find courses and can make yourself enrolled into these courses.

On this website, you can find many educational courses which can help you out with the subjects of your graduation as these courses are also available on this website and most of these are provided by the topmost universities in the world.

On this website, many students take courses to improve their skillset as it has many premium courses for job-related skills. It also has courses for credited subjects in technical education so one can also find these courses to get certification and credits in the technical education domain. On this website students and instructors from more than 180 countries are enrolled which shows the popularity of this website.

  • Website: Udemy
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for courses: 30$
  • Proficiency level offered: Diploma, Certification

iTunes U:

iTunes U is a website that was created by apple to help students worldwide. On this website, you can find different types of courses available for different types of fields such as professional courses and educational courses that stand in the list of best online learning sites.

It also has courses from the subjects related to art and culture due to which it is popular among people and students of different background and different fields which make this website really good and stand in the list of best online courses website.

Here you have to login first and then you can search for different types of courses whichever you want to. It has a different way of offering courses as on this website you can find courses in the form of videos and audio due to which you can listen, watch or arrange your course in the same way as you can do with normal video files.

Here topmost institutes such as MIT and Stanford offer courses to provide you the skillset in a much convenient and effective way than orthodox methods of teaching.

From this website, you can visit the official website of the course provider so that you can check out or buy some other course which that website is offering which makes things really easy and helpful for normal people as they can find courses related to any other subject as per need of the person.

By going directly to the course provider’s home page you can also find out ebooks and PDFs and access them.

  • Website: iTunes U
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for Courses: 40$
  • Proficiency level offered: Diploma, Certification

MIT OpenCourseWare:

As we all know that MIT is one of the most famous institutes all over the world for any of the courses. The degree or the certification we use to get from MIT has too much value. But as very few people are able to get a chance to do any course from this institute because of the limitations of space many people did not get a chance to learn from the teachers and instructors of this institute.

To meet this challenge and find a way out, this institute has launched a website where you can find out and learn your favorite subject in any of the professional or educational or any other domain.

It is considered as one of the best online learning sites from the time of its launch as it has been launched by an institute that is already one of the best institutes of the world and has very experienced faculty.

It has over 39 million learners all over the world who have been benefited from this website. The best of this website is that it has very good professional as well as educational courses so it can be equally fruitful for any student who is seeking for a course to make its career a person who want to have deep knowledge of any subject.

It offers 3000+ courses in different domains having video lectures and pdf of every topic to enhance your knowledge of the subject and help you to upskill yourself in the domain you wanted to be. The only negative point about this website is that you will not get any certificate or diploma for the courses you are doing through this website.

  • Website: MIT OpenCourseware
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for Courses:  Free
  • Proficiency level offered: None

Stanford Online:

When it comes to top universities in the world the name Stanford is quite normal to occur in that list as many people have a dream to do a course from this University which leads to a large number of applications in this University but due to the limitations it have in terms of its campus area and other things physically it has launched its website.

Standford Online is one the best online courses website which offers a variety of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in different domains having different time duration and proficiency levels as from this website you can do a degree, diploma, and certification courses as per your need.

This website was updating its courses up to the year 2013 but from then it has not to get updated as the courses on this website can also be accessed by edx so people can access all of these and new MOOCs courses from there. As it offers a variety of courses it stands among the best online learning sites.

  • Website Name: Stanford Online
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for courses: 30$
  • Proficiency level offered: Degree, Diploma,  Certification


As the name suggests Codeacademy is a website for people who want to learn to code and excel in the field of Software and Information Technology. On this website, you can find a wide range of courses for programming languages, Data Structures, and Algorithms and.

You can also find courses related to any particular domain such as web development or app development or data science, or any other thing related to the field of software and IT which makes this the best online courses website for software courses.

Here you can also visit if you want your resume to be reviewed at per industrial level so that you will be able to create a better resume. You will also find many courses some of them may be paid and some may be unpaid.

These courses are available on this website with different time durations having different levels of proficiency and different fees for the courses which makes it quite helpful and easy for you to learn a particular course as you will be having a course which you can finish as per your speed.

The reason mentioned above is some of the reasons which make this website the most preferable and best online courses website in the field of IT.

  • Website Name: Codeacademy
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Educational, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for Courses: 30$
  • Proficiency level offered: Certification

Best online learning sites


ICT IITR is an initiative of ICT academy and IIT Roorkee. It has been developed to help students to get quality education and to become industry-ready and skilled individuals.

Here you can find many professional as well as technical and non-technical, courses along with the courses of soft skills. These courses are made by the professors of IIT Roorkee and have been endorsed by the IIT which shows that it has really good quality content for students and hence it is considered as one of the best online courses website.

On this website, you can find video lectures of the courses where they will teach you about the topic. In when you have logged in to the course then you can access the course and study from that but to get the certification you have to pass the examination of that particular topic and to register for an examination you have to pay the fees.

There are many courses which you can find out on this website and these courses are really good and helpful. On this website, after registering yourself for the course you can access the video lectures as many times as you want till the last date of course validation.

  • Website Name: ICT IITR
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for Courses: 26$
  • Proficiency level offered: Certification


NPTEL is a website that provides students with massive online open courses (MOOCs). In these courses, you can choose for the course of soft skills, professional skills or any other technical subject or skills as per your choice.

This website has also been created to provide students a quality education to make them industry-ready individuals. Here also you will get video lectures for which you have access throughout the duration of the course.

Here you can find video lectures by the professors of different IITs and NITs and many other renowned institutions from which you can choose for the lectures.

On this website, you can search for the courses of your choice and you will be provided by the lectures of that particular subject along with the weakly assignments related to that subject which makes when you will login for the course and here also you have to pass all the assignments if you want to give the examination to get certification and for those examinations you have to pay fees also which use to vary from course to course.

  • Website Name: NPTEL
  • Types of Courses: Professional, Technical, Non-Technical
  • Average Fees for Courses: 26$
  • Proficiency level offered:  Certification

 The aforementioned are the best online learning sites from where any student can learn based on their interests and need.

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1. Best Most in Demand Skills in IT Sector

2. Best Career Options After B.Tech in ECE



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