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Life of PhD Students in IIT

Many students have dreamed of pursuing a PhD from IIT. In today’s time when people lack patience, some dare to pursue their goals.  PhD makes a person a complete package of intelligence, patience, intellect, and calm. There is no age barrier to doing a PhD in any field. Students who want to pursue their career in the research field or academics should consider some imperative points. PhD from IIT is quite different from other institutes.

IIT has the topmost position in the institute ranking therefore it has its own rules and regulations. Students are afraid to do a PhD as you have to invest crucial 5 years of your life. The time span of PhD is longer so there are many students who can’t complete their PhD due to personal or financial reasons.

A Ph.D. student’s life at an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) can be both demanding and rewarding. There are some aspects you should remember while diving into your Ph.D. journey.


Research Concentration

Ph.D. students at IITs are largely involved in research. Under the supervision of a faculty advisor, they work on a specific research topic. Research is typically difficult and demanding, requiring a great level of dedication and commitment.

The research domain always needs research concentration that will enhance your skills as well as make your PhD journey easy. At the early stage of PhD students struggle with research concentration but with time and practice, they can attain concentration in research. Concentration is the key to research without it you can’t achieve your goals.  If you are willing to do PhD from IIT you must improve your concentration.


Depending on the department and the PhD program, students may be required to complete some coursework during the first phase of their study. This coursework is intended to equip them with the background knowledge they will need for their research.

Coursework is mandatory for PhD students as it gives insight into the basics of the field in which you are working. The duration of coursework varies from IIT to IIT as some IITs have 1 year of coursework while some have 1.5 years. It is mandatory for PhD students to pass the coursework. There is a credit system in IITs so you have to acquire that much credit. 

Research Facilities

IITs are well-known for having cutting-edge research facilities and laboratories. PhD students can use these resources to conduct experiments and conduct research. IITs have the best quality research facilities in India. In PhD research facilities are crucial as if you don’t have research facilities your PhD journey may be longer.

IIT has all kinds of research facilities that make your PhD journey easy and achievable. The imperative is to do research and publish journal and conference papers. The publication is not possible without research facilities which makes it one of the crucial points to consider while starting your journey as a researcher. 

Teaching Assistantship

Some Ph.D. students may be required to work as teaching assistants. This includes aiding instructors with undergraduate courses, running lab sessions, and grading homework. Teaching Assistantship is mandatory for PhD students as they get scholarships from different government agencies like MHRD, CSIR, and UGC so there are 8 hours of load assigned to students.

They have to take tutorial classes, check assignments, solve problems, and conduct labs. The work of Teaching assistantship varies from institute to institute. Supervisors also assign some work to students including maintenance of labs, instruments, copy checking, making assignments, etc. There are some projects on which you have to work during your PhD. 



IITs promote collaboration inside the institute as well as with other research organizations and universities. Ph.D. students frequently get the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from a variety of backgrounds. Research is all about collaboration, the more you collaborate with different industries, research labs, and International institutes more your research work grows.

The key point of research is to make connections with different domain delegates and get help when you are stuck at some points. The collaboration will help you in the long run once you make connections. You can get good jobs at reputed industries, institutes, and labs and explore your vision. 

Seminars and Workshops

IITs hold seminars, workshops, and conferences on a regular basis. These gatherings are expected of Ph.D. students in order to enhance their knowledge and network with other researchers. Seminars and workshops during PhD are very helpful, you can learn many skills like software, hands-on instruments, and background knowledge of that field that help you in your further research journey.  It would be suggestible that students must attend workshops and seminars so that they can make connections and present their ideas. In seminars and workshops, students present their ideas so you can get novel ideas. 

Thesis Writing

The completion and defense of a doctorate thesis is the culmination of a Ph.D. program. This entails conducting original research and making a major contribution to the discipline. Thesis writing can be a time-consuming procedure. This is the most important part of your PhD journey where you have to summarize your work in chapters. Your thesis decides your future as you have to compile your entire work there.

There are different procedures in IITs, the draft of your thesis is sent to 1 Indian reviewer and 1 to a foreign reviewer according to your field. After 2-3 months of evaluation, they send comments and then you resubmit it and you have to defend your thesis in front of committee members and external reviewers.

Once you defend your thesis you will be awarded your Doctorate degree. It is advisable to start writing your ideas from the beginning of your research so that at the end you have enough stuff to write in your thesis. 

Work-Life Balance

It is critical to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The workload can be demanding, but students must take pauses, explore hobbies, and spend time with family and friends to avoid burnout. Define your research goals and objectives early on, and prioritize tasks accordingly. Having a clear plan can help you manage your time more efficiently. Set clear boundaries between your work and personal life.

Avoid overworking and burnout by leaving work-related tasks in your workspace and not bringing them into your personal life. Prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that you enjoy. These activities can reduce stress and boost your overall well-being.


Many Ph.D. students at IITs receive financial assistance, including stipends and tuition exemptions. This assistance may differ based on the department and the source of money. Fellowships are competitive awards that provide financial support to Ph.D. students.

They can come from various sources, such as government agencies, private foundations, or universities. Fellowships may cover tuition, stipends, and research expenses. PhD students can apply for research grants from governmental agencies, private organizations, or their own universities. These grants can fund specific research projects or cover living expenses.

Student Community

The student body at IITs is active and diverse. Ph.D. students frequently build close friendships with their peers and participate in academic and social activities. Most Ph.D. programs have orientation events or welcome gatherings for new students.

Attend these to meet your peers and get to know your academic environment. Participate in outreach programs or volunteer for community projects organized by your university or department. These activities can help you connect with fellow students who are passionate about community engagement.

Career Development

IITs offer resources and assistance in career development. PhD students can attend workshops and seminars on issues such as academic publication, grant writing, and job searching. Define your long-term career goals early in your Ph.D. program.

Are you aiming for a career in academia, industry, government, or a non-profit organization? Knowing your goals will help you tailor your experiences accordingly. Collaborate with other researchers, including your peers and senior faculty members.

Collaborative research can lead to publications, which are valuable for your academic CV or resume in other sectors. Engaging in outreach activities, such as science communication or community involvement, can help you develop communication skills and make your work accessible to a broader audience.


The pressure to publish research, fulfill deadlines, and deal with setbacks can make Ph.D. life difficult. Students must seek assistance and support as needed, both academically and emotionally. Ph.D. research can be isolating, as you may spend long hours working independently.

Loneliness and a lack of social interaction can take a toll on your mental health. Teaching assistantships or teaching obligations can be time-consuming and stressful, especially if you lack prior teaching experience. Over the course of your Ph.D., your research interests may evolve, and this can lead to uncertainty about the direction of your work.


The duration of a Ph.D. program at an IIT varies but is normally between 3-5 years, depending on the topic of study and the student’s progress. The complexity of your research project can affect how long it takes to gather data, analyze results, and draw conclusions. Some research may require more time due to extensive experiments, fieldwork, or data collection. Some Ph.D. programs require you to publish research papers or complete other milestones before you can graduate. Meeting these requirements may affect your timeline.


In conclusion, living as a Ph.D. student at an IIT is intellectually fascinating but demanding in terms of dedication and hard work. It offers access to excellent research opportunities and resources, but students must balance. To ensure you have a clear understanding of the expected duration of your Ph.D. program, it’s important to discuss this with your Ph.D. advisor and review your program’s specific requirements and policies. Additionally, staying organized, managing your time effectively, and setting clear research goals can help you progress efficiently and potentially complete your Ph.D. within a reasonable timeframe.


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