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Last Updated on 3 years by studentliveinfo

Free Online Course Websites For Students in 2022

At present time the concerned question is “How to find a job in IT Industry through free online courses websites? There are many students who try to get a good job after completing their graduation but they did not find one good job whereas on the other side companies are lacking skilled employees which means that there is a gap between the students and the companies hiring students for as employees.

To fill this gap we have created this article so that you get to know about many courses offered by many different websites to make students skilled enough to get into a job and then perform better in it.

Some of these courses are paid whereas some are free and in this article we will be mentioning free online courses with job guarantee. In this article you will get to know about free online courses websites for students.

free online courses websites

These courses are doing really well as many students have got chance to learn and then work in good companies which makes it a better choice for a person not having a good job or a person looking for upgrade in salary.

There are many companies which hire skilled freshers in a particular field to save time and cost of training a person over a technology. Free online course websites help students in how to find a job in IT Industry.



Free online courses websites completely based upon your credentials and your interest. Here you can choose your choice among different domains and then you will get training in that domain for certain number of months to make you eligible for your job interview and then they use to provide you support to crack those exams so that you can get the job.

The Institutions offering these courses guarantee that you did not have to pay any fees before joining the company or during the course duration and one when you will get the placement then you have to pay them some percentage of you monthly salary for the time duration they have mentioned.

free online courses websites

Institutions offering these free online courses websites use to collaborate with companies due to which getting exams and interviews for these companies is easy when compared to students who are applying through any other way.

Here you have to sign an ISA (Income Share Agreement) where you have to agree on sharing some part of your income to these Institutions and if you have joined any company by your own during the course then also you have to pay the same percentage of your income with these institutions. These courses will be a good option for those who are struggling to get opportunities to upskill themselves and get a decent job to start their career in IT Industry.


Eligibility Criteria

The institutions offering free online courses with job guarantee does not have any big issue regarding eligibility criteria as any fresher graduate can apply for these courses. Here the catch is that in these institutions you many not find any big issue regarding your eligibility criteria but one you will complete your course and will start applying to the companies for your job then some issues may occur as different companies have different eligibility criteria and selection procedure.

Age Limit: The age limit regarding eligibility criteria is 28 years as any student having age between 18 years to 28 years can apply for these courses. Again here also having gaps during your studies will affect your eligibility for some companies but still you will be able to apply in most of the courses.

Here you can find slight difference among eligibility criteria for different courses and they can vary a little bit in different institutions also. This variation also depends on the number of applicants as if the number of applicants will increase then the eligibility criteria may also change.

For the free online courses websites that  offer training in coding field, you must have graduation but this also varies according to the field as there are many fields in which you may apply for the course just after completing your 10+2 whereas in some courses you must have post graduation degree.

Admission Process

Admission process for these courses is quite simple as you have to register for the courses of your interests in the institutions providing free online courses with job guarantee and then the representative of that institute will contact you for further things.

In some Institutions you may also find an exam to check the caliber of students so that they can assign you the course matching you capabilities. During admission process you will get to know about the ISA of the company so you must read it very carefully that as this will be the most crucial thing when you will get your job.

This ISA has all the terms and conditions which you have to follow while doing the course hence this ISA will be very important. Usually these institutions does not allow the person to read the ISA of these institutions but you can find a simple overview about the ISA of different institutions on different platforms such as Google and YouTube.

Once you will be ok with all the terms and conditions of the institutions then you can provide them the details they want from you and can start your course.

Some websites offering such courses

There are many online free courses websites which offer such courses. Below I have mentioned two of them which offers free online courses with job guarantee in coding domain but there are many other courses also which gives you job in other categories also as here I have mentioned these websites for reference. These websites are:

Newton School

Newton school is the most popular free online courses websites. This website offers free online courses with job guarantee in the coding domain. Newton School offers many different courses in many different technologies and skill set such as full stack development or frontend and back-end development.

This website also guarantee job with minimum limit of 5 LPA and when you will get the job with this package or more only then you have to share the decided amount to the website. The eligibility criteria for enrolling in these courses is graduation and students who are in the final year of their graduation are also applicable to register for courses in this website.

Newton School has made remarkable place in the list of free online courses websites. Visit Newton School and explore the courses offered by this websites.

Masai School

Masai School is the splendid free online courses websites. Masai School is also another website which offers courses in coding domain and most of things in this website is also same as Newton School. You will find some slight change in its ISA as you may find some difference in the way and type of income sharing ways.

Some other differences you may find in the ways of teaching and in the ways of bond activation. This website is fundamentally same as Newton School as both of these are coding schools. You may find that these websites are just related to coding domain but the basic idea behind all such courses is same.



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