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Universities Offering Free Online Courses

There are many students who want to learn new courses for the sake of their professional improvement or to enhance their knowledge but they did not have a fixed time slot to give in order to learn these courses or skills and they did not find ways to acquire new skills or knowledge.

Many times they compromise with their choice because they did not find any way to learn these skills but in this article, we will help you out with these issues as in this article we are going to mention universities offering online courses in different domains with different specialization so that you can find any course of your choice and can make yourself excel in the field in which you want to do better.

universities offering free online courses

There are many universities that are offering online courses in many different domains on many different websites which we have mentioned in our previous article if you want to know about them please do check out our previous articles but in this article, we will totally focus on the universities offering free online courses and how to access these courses as there are many different ways to exist to access the same course offered by a university.

List of Universities offering free online courses:

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  2. Harvard University
  3. Stanford University
  4. Boston University
  5. Oxford University
  6. IIT Roorkee
  7. IIT Kanpur
  8. IIT Bombay

universities offering free online courses

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT does not need any introduction as it is a well-known and one of the most renowned universities offering free online courses. It was also one of the universities that has started earliest providing these online courses for different skill sets and they took this decision as they found that the number of applicants is way too much than the number of seats available in the university for the course.

It provides different kinds of courses in many different domains such as technical, non-technical, professional, educational, and also courses related to arts, culture, and humanities. There are many websites where you can find courses provided by this university.

It has also launched a website for these courses named MIT OpenCourseware where anyone can find many paid and unpaid courses from not just this university but also courses of many other universities offering online courses.

These courses can be categorized as Degree, Diploma, or Certification courses. Apart from this, there are many other websites such as edX where you can find courses from this university some of them can make you access these courses free of cost but then you will not get any certificate for the completion of course whereas the course content is same so if you did not want the certification and just want to acquire skill and knowledge then you can refer to these websites also.

University Name: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-  Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 4,500

Harvard University

Harvard University is another very famous and very renowned university that receives applications from students all over the world but as the number of seats is limited so here also the story is as MIT.

Harvard provides many free and paid online courses through different websites like edX where one can easily access many of its free and paid courses. Harvard University has also launched its website where this website is offering many popular and premium courses for free.

The website is named online-learning.harvard.edu which is the official website of Harvard University. Here this university offers courses of many different domains with different specializations and duration. This university already marks its name among the most reputed universities offering free online courses.

The Degree program can cost a person as high as around 2 Lakhs but the price for Certification program could be around 5,000 rupees but you have to pay this amount if you want to have a certificate or a degree from the University otherwise there are many free courses also which one can access through websites like edX or one can also find such course with free certification on the website of the university.

University Name: Harvard University

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses:  Rs. 5,000

Stanford University

Standford University is one of the popular universities offering free online courses. This university is helping people all over the world by providing online courses for different subjects. Here you can find courses and lectures regarding your subjects of graduation also so if you have any issue in any subject and you are searching for a course to help you out with your graduation subject then also you can check out courses of this website.

It has its own website also named Stanford Online where there are several other universities offering online courses along with this university. Here you can find many paid as well as free courses of different duration depending upon the need and proficiency level of the course.

One can easily find out and access free courses of this university also as there are several other websites like edX which are providing free online courses from this website but the only issue about these free courses is that you may or may not be able to get certification for any free courses.

There are many premium courses from this university which were paid for before but now they are free so you can check out these courses also and find one that is there any course of your interest among these courses.

University Name: Stanford University

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 6,300

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Boston University

Boston University is a private yet very renowned university and it is famous among students all over the world because of the kind of courses it offers. There are several courses offered by Boston University in both online as well as offline mode.

In order to provide students with quality courses, this university has collaborated with different websites due to which you can find many paid and unpaid courses of this university at different websites like edX. It offers many technical, non-technical, professional, and educational courses and courses in all of these domains are really good.

It offers courses for a very short duration of around 60 days also so that if one has the time of just two months only and want to do a new course for the sake of betterment in summer vacation only then also one can complete this course.

This is a feature that makes this university stand apart from all other universities offering free online courses. The average fee for degree courses is Rs. 37,000 approximately and the average fee for certification courses is around  4,300 whereas you can find free courses also as it offers many free courses also.

University Name: Boston University

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 4,300

Oxford University

Many students have a dream to complete their graduation or any other course from this university as the courses this university offers are very popular and are very much valued by the recruiters and institutes all over the world.

It offers many popular and premium courses in both online and offline modes and the thing which makes it a preferable choice overall universities offering free online courses is that it offers very good and premium courses on not just Degree or diploma of certification programs but is also offers such courses on our credit and the non-credit subject of graduation also. If one feels the need for a course on any such subject the one can check out such courses on edX.

Like all other universities offering free online courses, you can find courses of this university also on many different websites and you can choose from them according to your choice and need.

There are many free and paid courses so if you want to have a better grip on any subject of your graduation semester then also you can check for one and most probably you will find one for free with nor certification which I think will be a good choice for you as certification does not matter for a course of the subject which is same as your subject of graduation. The fees for certification courses of this university may vary from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 12,000 and the average fee for courses is around Rs. 6,000.

University Name: Oxford University

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 6,000

IIT Roorkee

IIT Roorkee is one of the most popular universities of not just India and also amongst students from all over the world and here many students from all over the world aim to study. This university also knows this fact and it has taken initiatives to help students all over the world and to do so it has launched many programs and courses.

There are many courses which it has been providing to students with the help of many websites like edX and NPTEL and it has a website of its own where it provides online courses of different specializations and subjects. This website was launched by ICT Academy and named as it iitr. IIT Roorkee is among the best universities offering free online courses.

It provides many courses on soft skills also with educational and professional courses so if one is searching for a course where the person can check out this website also. The best part of this university which makes it a popular choice amongst universities offering online courses is that here you can access these courses free of cost on most of the websites and if you want to get a certificate for your course then only you have to pay for the fees of any certification course and also you have to pass an assessment of that exam.

University Name: IIT Roorkee

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 3,000

IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur also decided to initiate different online programs to benefit students all over the world and they also decided to launch a website in collaboration with ICT academy named as ict iitk to provide online courses to th students where these courses are made by the professors of IIT Kanpur.

They Provide courses on many professional and technical subjects including subjects having credit in our graduation. In fact, there are many universities that have collaborated with the IIT and have made it mandatory for their students to complete certain courses to get their degrees.

There are many other websites also through which you can access these courses like edX and NPTEL. Many of these courses are free while many are paid you can also find some of the best distance degree programs so if you want to complete a degree program from distance due to any reason then you can search for one from the online degree programs offered by IIT Kanpur.

Like all other universities offering free online courses this university also has a wide range of courses so searching for one that is best for you might be quite difficult so be ready to give some effort in searching for one also.

University Name: IIT Kanpur

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses:  Rs. 2,700

IIT Bombay

IIT Bombay is one of the topmost universities of India as it produces the best results in terms of graduation percentage and placement percentage. It is very popular for its new and innovative programs also. This university had also initiated providing online courses on much different cutting edge and emerging technologies and professional skills.

These courses are present on many different websites such as NPTEL and edX. There are many other websites also where you will find out courses of this university along with courses of many other universities offering online courses. IIT Bombay provides many courses on entrepreneurial programs also.

It provides many different types of courses such as Degree and Diploma courses in many different fields such as data science, machine learning and on the other hand, it provides courses on soft skills also and the best thing is that both of these types of courses are very good so if you are searching for any kind, of course, having any level of proficiency, you can check the courses provided by this university and most probably you will find one for you.

Here also you will have to pay for certifications only so if you want to gain knowledge and did not have need of certification for the course then it will not cost anything to you.

University Name: IIT Bombay

Types of Courses: Technical, Non-Technical, Educational, Professional

Proficiency Level Offered: Degree, Diploma, Certification

Average Fees for Courses: Rs. 3,000



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